
The new world-leading John Deere CH9 Harvesters

In September, our loyal customers Nev and Chris Condon played host to John Deere and Honeycombes for the Dealer launch of the new John Deere CH950 & CH960 Two Row Cane Harvester!

This industry changing machine was a sight to behold, with performance to match.  

A few of our customers were fortunate enough to have their first opportunity to view and ride in the machine. They were able to experience the superior technology and quality of the new John Deere 2-Row Cane Harvester.

Due to the fundamental sugar cane industry continuously developing and growing, John Deere introduced this new world-leading two-row sugar cane harvester to provide better efficiency for their customers. The new harvesters are 1.5 to 2 times more productive than their previous single-row models.

For more information, follow both Honeycombes and John Deere Australia's Facebook page.

Check out John Deere's Blog Post here:

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